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Monthly Archive for December, 2007

Week 22 on Turismo 2.0

Dear friends, here you have a quick translation from the fantastic summary Rafael Martinez writes every week. I’ve been busy today, the whole day, preparing everything cause I’m leaving to Munich in a few hours… so I take this opportunity to wish you all a Wonderful New Years’ Eve !!!! Here it goes the summary: […]

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Week 21 on Turismo 2.0

A new english version from the weekly summary on Turismo 2.0 by Rafael Martínez [words in brackets are mine]. We’re almost on holidays. We’re cheering each other because of the number 1000 member and because of Christmas time. Jokes and good time full the community. But other issues have their place too. Here we are: […]

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Week 20 on Turismo 2.0

Dear friends, here it goes, another week, the english version from the weekly summary on Turismo 2.0 by Rafael Martínez [words in brackets are mine]. Week 20 briefing QUOTATIONS: Excusatio non petita, acusatio manifesta. (Eugenio de Quesada in El blog de Albert Barra ) DISCULPARME PERO LA SOBREDOSIS DE IN-FORMACIÓN ME HA CONDUCIDO A LA […]

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Week 19 on Turismo 2.0

Dear friends, find bellow my English version from the summary on Hoteles 2.0 [words in brackets are mine] Week 19 summary: QUOTATIONS: “I don’t know whether it was my own perception in my little head or a generalized idea nobody expressed.” [about TV programs and asking for opinions about TV Travel shows in order to […]

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The week 18 on Turismo 2.0

Here it goes my English version from the summary on Hoteles 2.0 [words in brackets are mine] QUOTATIONS: – The value talented employees bring to the hotel is the ability to solve all the situations not considered by the established standards. By Juan Sobejano in “¿Dónde está el talento?” – We’ve got empty heads at […]

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Weekly Breifings from Turismo 2.0

Last August, a community was born in Spain about Tourism, called Turismo 2.0, with a remarkable popularity. Let me check the current statistics: 945 members up to now. Since it’s becoming increasingly hard to follow all conversations, I find it really useful to have a look at the weekly briefings Rafael Martinez publishes on Hoteles […]

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