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Monthly Archive for January, 2008

Week 26 on Turismo 2.0

Hi friends! Once again, we must remark the participation increase in Turismo 2.0, week by week, based on participants. Summary of week 26 POSTS: 1- Yahoo and its web award (Marcos Alonso). Turismo 2.0 was nominated to the Yahoo award. How do we feel about the result? 2- Arrieros somos….. (Joan Gou). An interesting post […]

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Mistakes entrepreneurs are making

In your opinion, what are the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs are making? 1. Not sharing their ideas, and being afraid of competitors. 2. Trying to perfect version 1.0, instead of shipping and iterating. 3. Being overly focused on money or exits. 4. Not building something they’d use (if they hadn’t built it). 5. Trying to do […]

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Week 25 on Turismo 2.0

Hi, friends, This week has been featured by two or three debates where the majority of opinions have been pored. This is why we don’t have the same activity level as for new proposals, but possibly the number of participants has increased as well as the debates’ extension. Here we go: Week 25 summary POSTS: […]

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Week 24 on Turismo 2.0

Hi friends This is the eight summary going on. This week has been dominated by a debate we will talk about at the end of this briefing. But we’ve got other interesting things we will show you immediately. Week 24 summary POSTS: 1- The dispensable employee (Juan Sobejano). Are we doing an intelligent hiring? Are […]

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Personally Compelling

Great products almost always come from someone scratching their own itch. Create something you want to exist in the world. Be a user of your own product. Hire people who are users of your product. Make it better based on your own desires. My comment: Isn’t this something stakeholder-focused? If your an entrepreneur, you’d probably […]

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Week 23 on Turismo 2.0

Dear friends, this is a new translation from Rafael’s summary for this week. Another briefing, and this is 7th one. This week, after the hangover’s holidays, April fool jokes (in Spain on Dec. 28), simulated resigns and dancings, we’re becoming more serious and we’re starting the 2008 powerfully. Starting this year, and as a line […]

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