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Monthly Archive for April, 2008

Sand Fantasy “Love 2008”

“Love is everything…” Amazing new sand art from Ilana Yahav. Technorati Tags: sand, fantasy, art

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Turismo 2.0 Summary for week 36

Hi friends One more week, we’ve got Rafael’s selection about Turismo 2.0 . Thanks for a great work! Summary for week 36 POSTS: 1- Why doesn’t my country work? (Joan Gou). Because of slovenliness and carelessness or who knows because of what inexplicable reasons by the ones who can foster it. And we cannot do […]

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An incredible but true story: Spanish authorities prosecute child for terrorism when he e-mails companies requesting labelling in Catalan language, using Phoenix monicker from Harry Potter books. Police accuse him of organizing an Al Qaeda cell. Case goes all the way to Spanish High Court. http://english.ericielfenix.cat U.S. press enquiries: Emily Moore, tel. (865) 254-5244 OgleMoore[at]gmail[dot]com

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Week 36 on Turismo 2.0

Hi friends, This week, the significant issues influencing Turismo 2.0 have been solidarity, the economical crisis, don Pedro Zargoza, the Plan Turismo 2020, logos… Let’s see all this in detail: Week 36 summary POSTS: 1- SPAM provokes REFUSAL (Marcos Alonso). We all know what Spam is; but what has no sense is that some hotel […]

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