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Hi friends

One more week, we’ve got Rafael’s selection about Turismo 2.0 . Thanks for a great work!

Summary for week 36


1- Why doesn’t my country work? (Joan Gou). Because of slovenliness and carelessness or who knows because of what inexplicable reasons by the ones who can foster it. And we cannot do anything about it!!.

2- Filiation marketing Word vs Concept (Emma G. F.). Emma writes a question but nobody is answering. Rafael says he thinks the concept has something to do with multilevel companies, or pyramidal sales, or something like that, but not sure. It would be good to know.

3- Freedom to Express vs. Reputation (Prisilla). Unbelievable what’s happening. A hotel menaced a user “daring” to criticize it. Just incomprehensible.

4- The Moncloa acknowledges receipt. (Marcos Alonso). Looks like “factual powers” think we are stupids. A little bit of conversation would be good for the La Moncloa.

5- Los bloggers caen como moscas. ¡Necesitamos ayuda! (Juan Sobejano). Obsession is fatal, we don’t know to what point.

6- I’m leaving to Brasil, I’ll call you to tell you that I arrived well (Pere Marti Franco). What a happiness to know that for our friend Pere things are going well.

7- Hello everybody (Lina). A good definition of one characteristic implicit in our community.

8- Booking,s (Carles Parrilla). If all actors in a touristic even do not contribute, anything will improve. We have repeated it over and over. It could be so easy…!

9- We accept octopus as a pet (César Herrero Torres). One more protest. If we don’t put a remedy, nothing improves.

10- Turismo 2.0, from real to virtual and from virtual to real (I. Alexis Argüello Sandoval). Although it’s a bit long, this a a good summary of what is Turismo 2.0.


1- About agency commissions (Carlo Álvarez). About compensating affiliates by paying according results.

2- Success 2.0: internalize the tools, be soaked in the philosophy (Joantxo Llantada). The evangelization proposed by Joantxo consists of internalizing the web 2.0 in our company, because of some interesting data in a study by Awareness co.

3- New Google UK Politics about trade marks in Adwords (Ignasi Casellas). More on the use of competitors’ brands on your own benefit.

4- Tourism and permanent beta. (Juan Sobejano). One of the clues on tourism is a constant adaptation to changes.

5- Social networks or the art of talking familiar 2.0 (Joantxo Llantada). A truly interesting paper by Joantxo in the Economist College Valencia. The conversation grows up.

6- Know your on line reputation using Ipsoacte. (Nando Llorella). A new service to know the on-line reputation, which has more importance day by day, and to develop improvement actions on it.

7- Interactions with customers, a marketing opportunity for a hotel. (Luis Simpson). The personnel producing and delivering the service should bring their experience dealing with customers and system operations, so that new ideas and suggestions could be generated.

8- The limits of tourism. (Jorge Gobbi). Where are the limits?. According to Jorge, the current trend drives us to a situation of “places’ scarcity”.

9- Already 4 years writing Sector Turismo (Javier García Cuenca). Congratulations to the dean of touristic bloggers in Spain.

10- Conversational Marketing ot the Return to the Shopkeeper Marketing (Albert Barra). A really good approach from a time paradox, by which Internet takes us to the Middle Ages’ practices of merchants, because of the conversation.


Controversy regarding the competition to choose the official logo for Turismo 2.0, because a user appeared in the community, with the pseudonym “Joaclint”, exclusively to apply for the competition (this is very lawful) but he/she attacks the competition organization and the virtual winner up to now, Giselle de la Mea, talking very rudely, with bad manners and dreadful education. This all hiding his/her face (no picture). The logo could be good, but we hope that he/she will not win the competition and everybody will forget it.

– Again, our displeasure for the members trying to get free promotion of their products without bringing anything to the community. Is it fair, they keep their membership?

– Don’t miss TURISPOD. It’s a really great work, hard-working, we have to recognize as deserved.

See you next week.

Thanks to Rafael!

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