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Week 20 on Turismo 2.0

Dear friends, here it goes, another week, the english version from the weekly summary on Turismo 2.0 by Rafael Martínez [words in brackets are mine].

Week 20 briefing


Excusatio non petita, acusatio manifesta. (Eugenio de Quesada in El blog de Albert Barra )

DISCULPARME PERO LA SOBREDOSIS DE IN-FORMACIÓN ME HA CONDUCIDO A LA PARÁLISIS. [Sorry, but an over-in-formation lead me to paralysis] (Marcos Alonso)

  • POSTS:

1.- [Blogging]

¿TURISTA? ¡SÍ, GRACIAS! (Raimundo Alabern), a very original and witty post trying to get back the “tourist” term’s prestige.

Nexotur’s case [about the controversy we’ve been commenting lately], has a happy ending we can read here, here, and here.

2.- [Hotel Management]

Cuenta de resultados: compromiso del equipo[income statement: team’s commitment] (David delgado). A very interesting debate on employees’ assessment in hotels.

¿Qué buscamos en un trabajador? [What are we looking for in an employee?] (Juan Sobejano). A debate based on a personal real experience to analyze the relative value of working experience in a hotel job.

¿Qué ocurre con los condohoteles? [What’s about condohotels?] (Nemo) A very good approach to the condohotels controversial issue.

[The Must] The Golden 2.0 goes for Innovación: 7 reflexiones polémicas y un modelo de negocio hotelero radical del mañana [Innovation: 7 polemical considerations and a radical hotel business model for tomorrow], by Arturo Cuenllas.

3.- [Metaphors]

Los cinco sentidos[5 senses] (Albert Barra). He compares the 5 human senses with the enterprise pillars.

RR.HH. y el menú editar. (Jordi Ruiz). [Comparing titles from the “Edit” menu in our text editor and tasks belonging to a Human Resources department].

4.- [Podcasting]

Another week in our favourite podcast program, Turispod. We encourage the authors, Jimmy & Jordi.

5.- [Turismo 2.0 Community]

The community had been preparing for the arrival of the number 1000 member, as we can read from Joan Gou. Should we also think about a reward for the number 100 in the “Yearly Event”?. Come on, Joan, show up.

Finally, the number 1000 member arrived, he’s Julián and he doesn’t show a picture. What a pitty. His welcome process is as expected. Patri M, in her post, sets the starting point and provokes lots of comments. The occasion it’s well worth it, but it suggests this community could grow further than expected.


1.- [Food for Thought]

Looking at a picture, Manuel Colmenero asks himself, Is the tourist a terrorist?

2.- [Blogging and Marketing]

Ángeles Vargas looks for data for a Hosteltur’s study and asks us What kind of promotions receive bloggers? .

3.- [Turismo 2.0 Community]

But, were are you, Marcos Alonso!!!. After stuffing himself with information, it looks like he was destroyed


1.- [Internet]

Tips from the T-List, the first eBook, by Nando Llorella

Redes de blogs sobre viajes y turismo: una primera evaluación [Blog nets about travel and tourism: a first evaluation] by Jorge Gobbi. A detailed and certain study about this kind of social nets, where, based on the study, selfpromotion is a target, besides using the work from other people without giving credit to the original authors.

Nando Llorella continues offering all kind of valuable information. This man is an endless source!.

2.- [Management & Communication]

Communication Keys, by Isaac Vidal. Brief, witty, understandable, with empathy towards the receiver, participative. This is how Isaac defines the features our message should have.

Do not anticipate and be realistic. This is what we understand from Isaac Vidal’s post Realidad o delirio.

A new kind of “Hotel employee”, by Rafael Martínez, continues this interesting serie.

Will hotels ever understand what’s the CRM about?

3.- [wEB 2.0]

¿Am I already a hotel 2.0? by Jordi Ruiz. Very good gathering of the most important and most actual things in the 2.0 world.

Illustrative vídeo about the blogosphere, from Edu William.

4.- [El Blog de un Hotel]

El hotel de un blog published three new and different posts: ONE TWO THREE .

Please, tell us whether you would change something or not.
Another issue next Friday, thanks to Rafael.

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