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Week 32 on Turismo 2.0

Hi friends,

Rafael has not chosen any outstanding post this time. But he slightly changed the usual methodology and, unlike in previous summaries, he includes 12 posts and 11 blog issues. He kindly asked me to do so and choose the outstanding posts. I truly appreciate this confidence, though I don’t promise anything since this could be something really difficult.

Wait and see…

Week 32 summary


1- THE NEEDED 8 P’S IN THE TOURISM mix MARKETING (I) (Rafael Mesa). You probably know the traditional 4 P´s , but Rafael Mesa adds four additional P’s as a complement to the 4 initial ones.
2- Horizon 2020, pure marketing (Isaac Vidal). Obvious things. It seams that the over-mentioned Plan looks like it’s based on Marketing basis already known by us all.
3- Tourism and Politics (Jordi Casassayas). Jordi claims about a lack of planning, co-ordination and a common action police to follow.
4- What have the “idiots” (besugos) done during this time? (Joan Gou). Everyone looks after number one and we don’t reach cohesion, which, on the other hand, is more and more necessary.
5- Morpheo arrives!! (Jordi Ruiz). Original interpretation about Web tools, not without a bit of sarcasm.
6- Prescribers and tourism 2.0 (Juan Sobejano). One more time, opinions and conversation in Internet look like the most apt propagation focus for a marketing campaign.
7- Open answer (Joan Gou). Yes, Joan, you’re right, it looks like we are talking and talking, turning the same things over, and starting again… to talk.
8- Dreams (Pere Marti Franco). The truth is, putting it this way, it’s a pleasure to serve this type of customers.
9- Future focus in hotel management in Costa Brava. (Xavier Goula). Avoiding seasonality and the institutional mistakes in the area.
10-Manual of blog’s use in the enterprise (David Delgado). Thanks David, for sharing what you discovered. We will have to read it and discuss it in Turismo 2.0.
11- Why ads (traditional) don’t work in social networks (Juan A. Rodríguez Gamero). Incomes don’t generate the way some people expect to.
12- Municipal communication for self-confidence: reputation and city (David Giner). Promoting the destination, from governors to inhabitants.


1- The long tail of politics…Or of ideas and talent? (Edu William)
2- The new Hosteltur’s Community (Juan Sobejano). Juan gives us a draft of what’s coming next week. The people testing this community see much future in it.
3- Meme Tripadvisor (Javier García Cuenca). Interesting meme about Tripadvisor’s position in front of the bunch of critics received.
4- Con la iglesia hemos topado (Clan-destinos). The title is an expression we could translate as “You can’t fight City Hall”. However, the post has to do also with the literal meaning of the Spanish expression, which involves the church power. Interesting information about another kind of tourism.
5- (un) common senses and trips (Jorge Gobbi). North-american people are different.
6- Blogger’s pride (Albert Barra). A new controversy. Being a blogger is to have an HTML space or is it something else?
7- Working on the influence of bloggers (Juan Sobejano). Answering the previous post by Albert Barra.
8- The Hotel’s Web and the Customer Satisfaction (Albert Barra). Thanks, Albert. Those are very useful data to help us learning.
9- We’re two years old (Nando Llorella). Congratulations for the age and for the interesting and generous contents.
10- The 2.0 rule (Jordi Ruiz).
11- Virtual Assistants (Isaac Vidal). Commenting a system certainly interesting.


A question for everybody to give opinion: What’s the differentiation factor in the touristic sphere nowadays? (Luis Simpson). Chronologically, price (80`s) and service (90´s). What’s next in the first decade in the XXI?
REVENUE MANAGEMENT: POSSIBLE DEBATES (Jaime López Chicheri). Jaime, in his particular crusade with the Revenue Management, he proposes some interesting lines for the debate.
– Universes Netvibes. Jordi Ruiz and Edu William talk about Netvibes and show us the strength of this platform through the universes they created.


An urgent post dedicated to expert bloggers. (Luis Simpson). A truly beautiful post written just after Rafael published the original summary and while I was translating it. Have a look at it, no matter if you read and write blogs or not. It’s simply so inspirational.
That’s all, folks.

See you next week, thanks to Rafael!

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3 Responses to “Week 32 on Turismo 2.0”

  1. Thank You, Carme

    I am going to include your choice of prominent in my summary.


  2. […] post, Luis Simpon thanks the bloggers who shared conversations with with. Because of this post (already mentioned in the translated summary of last week) other posts have been created, outstanding this week. Keep on reading… – “ACAV became […]

  3. […] Simpson (por nada) a los bloggers que hemos compartido conversación con él. A raíz de éste (que Carme Pla destacó en su resumen de la semana pasada) surgen otros, los cuáles salen como destacados en esta semana. Seguid leyendo…– […]

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