Hi friends,
We’ve reached the week 31 with new projects, the regular quality in posts and blogs and the interesting debate originated because of the blog del hotel or the visual gift about the I Yearly Event.
Summary of week 31
1- Emotions, tourism and wine (Joantxo Llantada). On the importance of abandoning the simple things and back the quality to be able to manage emotions.
2- Questions leaved open (Marcelo Torio). A set of questions we all have argued. All of them together in a single post make it difficult to comment.
3- THE VIDEO ABOUT THE FIRST YEARLY EVENT IS ON LINE (Jimmy Pons). At last, we can see the video on the I Yearly Event. Very good and well-crafted.
4- The debate about anonymous opinions and the future of opinion portals (Javier GarcÃa Cuenca). After the debate, Javier establishes the basis on the way opinion portals should evolve.
5- Territorial networks and product networks (Edu William). Tourism has to develop as a network, not simulating a chain, but simulating a constellation. This post could explain another one by Edu, included in the section “blogroll” of this current summary.
6- Tourism in vogue!!! (Marcos Ferreyra). Tourism is a much wider than we think.
7- TOURISM AND INTERNET. TOURISM 2.0 (Rafael Mesa). The tourism evolves, but the deficiencies in the enterprises continue unchanged.
8- The immigrant waiter called Manuel (David Delgado). Good thought based on old images.
9- World Map of social networks (David Delgado). In Spain, what social network do we prefer?
10- The service as a challenge (Juan Sobejano). Service or servility. Employees, companies and customers should clarify those concepts.
1- From value chain to value constellation: the tourist ecosystem are networks! (Edu William). The title is self-explanatory, but man could find a wider explanation int he other post by Edu, included in the “Posts” section.
2- Some posts about the controversy originated in El Blog de Enrique Dans, more precisely by its commenters:
– El blog de un hotel and the envy (Javier GarcÃa Cuenca)
– We are our main enemies (Juan Sobejano)
– Ahora nos dieron “pal pelo†a nosotros (Jordi Ruiz)
– Little hotel, everywhere you go, you leave your trace (Rafael MartÃnez)
3- Five thousand comments (Jorge Gobbi). First, congrats for the figure, second, some good advice worth to recommend.
4- Online touristic resources #1: The European social survey… fresh data (Contraelcalor – Clan-destinos)
5- Tips to gain subscribers in a blog (Nando Llorella). A good compilation.
6- TURISPOD Nº 12 With Carme Pla and Javier Garcia Cuenca and dinner for bloggers during Alimentaria in Ba (Jimmy Pons). Certainly we should include such an excellent job.
7- Goals and blogs last night in Camp Nou (Albert Barra). Many bloggers would applaud more initiatives similars to this one.
8- How should the networked tourism be divided into segments? (Edu William). What a question! Does somebody know?
9- Defining the perfect customer (El Hotel). The hotel asks its potential customers what should be its customer like. But there’s a trick on it.
10- Turismo 15.0 (Jordi Ruiz). “I had a dream…” (Thanks! less work to translate)
The inverted hierarchy of needs by Malonso (Marcos Alonso). Marcos dares completing nothing less but the hierarchy of needs by Maslow. And he does so in a masterly way. He adds what was missing: the empathy. ¡Bravo Marcos!
– What’s the use of a Tourism Office? (Joan Gou). We have this discussion in this section for three weeks in a row. It’s consecrated because it’s the origin of a collaborative book to be appeared shortly. And it could become a reference because of the quality of its authors, all of them members of Turismo 2.0.
– General Associations or Professional Associations (Asociacionismo o Colegios Profesionales) (Angel). Claims by tourism students. What’s the importance of the tourism university degree?
– New Debates in el Blog de un Hotel (El Hotel). He’s asking for our collaboration. Answering this call would give us the opportunity to participate in this project.
– And a question. Why some people continue joining the group “Encuentro anual 2.0”? . This week two new members joined.
See you next week, thanks to Rafael!