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Week 30 on Turismo 2.0

Hi friends!

I would say this is a “transitional” week, because unlike in previous weeks, there was no unique focus to gather all our conversations 2.0. The participation was divided up in different issues. What can be pointed out is that participation has increased in terms of number participants (not comments), and this is good news. Though this increase could lead Rafael to this summary get out of hand without assistance. But when this happens, he’ll tell us.

Week 30 summary:


1- PREDICTION, PREDICTION, PREDICTION!!!! (II) (Jaime López Chicheri). Jaime starts with an interesting post about prediction – the forecast – the most adequate control methods and criteria.

2- Iberia Business Plus: ¿what kind of person am I? (David Delgado). A good complaint by Daviod delgado. The ad by Iberia is somehow tinged with class issues (well said), which don’t match with reality.

3- THE NEW GASTRONOMIC CUSTOMER (Víctor Mayans). What’s the mentality to manage a hotel restaurant? We think Victor Mayans has the key.

4- I’M AN ATLETICO DE MADRID FAN AND I SAY SO IN MY C.V (Marcos Alonso). A curious work interview by Marcos Alonso. He was lucky this time…

5- Why should we pay the cost? (Joan Gou). The Autonomic Administration sells an initiative as a gisft, but the cost will be met with taxes. So, Joan turns the tables.

6- How do social networks affect a hotel quality? (Juan Sobejano). They do affect since quality is defined by the customer and expect it in the destination as a whole, not just in the hotel. Joan Gou talks about transversality in a comment. Transversalidad, apunta Joan Gou en un comentario.

7- The expectations economy and Tourism, part 1 (J. Antonio Rodríguez Gamero) . This post complements the previous one.

8- ¿What happened on week 17 in Turismo 2.0? (del 17 al 23 de noviembre de 2007) (Rafael Martínez). In Turismo 2.0 network, Rafael started a series of posts as a reminder of what happened some months ago. Just in case of someone wants to reopen debates, or just to remember experiences… This will be the Wednesday’s briefing.

9- To my friend Juan Sobejano (Joan Gou). Congratulations to both, to one for his birthday, to the other to be able to get the feelings of the rest with a good story, without affectation.

10- Questions leaved open (Marcelo Torio). A gathering of questions about hotels we all have and we would like see the opinion of everybody there. There’s plenty of talk about it.


Web stats on Turismo 2.0. (Albert Barra). Many of us were waiting for it and Muchos lo esperábamos y Albert lo ha puesto en marcha. No dejéis de consultarlo ¡Los números asustan! y es una progresión, más que geométrica, exponencial.


1- In the shelves of a supermarket (Marcos Alonso). What if trips and combined packages would be sold as cookies, in the shelves of supermarkets? The idea looks as preposterous, but it’s not that so.

2- Platform for customers (Jordi Ruiz) The web page and its “Home” have less importance than before. Please, let’s talk about platforms, not shop windows.

3- Twitter (Nando Llorella). an incursion into Twitter analyzing everything could be related to tourism. Nando is setting out to become a live encyclopedia.

4- Is Google a distribution channel for hotels? (Albert Barra). Albert says Google are the parents. So pay attention to positioning.

5- VideoReviews: opinions about hotels with pictures (Carlo Álvarez). This is an evolution, and one of the keys is going from words to images.

6- The importance of intangibles (Juan Sobejano). Intangibles are the key to the success in a hotel management.

7- Designing an open destination and an open business (or trying to) (Edu William). Transparency in his management idea. He means it and he will achieve it, no doubt.

8- The organization of the future for mature touristic destinations (Clan-destinos). Cohesion in network, collaboration, specialization and innovation. Those are the keys.

9- I don’t believe anything (Juan Sobejano). Philosophical vision of materialism, extrapolated to the tourism sector.

10- Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park (Jorge Gobbi). Rafael takes again this post, because of its pictures, but to mention the impressive New York guide Jorge Gobbi is writing in his blog, on the occasion of his endless trip. Long life…

Content is the new ad (Javier Godoy). Good ads are not made of pictures but of quality content, generated in network and at a lower cost than traditionally. Javier Godoy explains it in a crystal-clear way.

Are we a shared community? (Chris Pomeroy). The proposal by Chris Pomeroy last week, keeps going on.

Let’s go for the disruptive innovation? (Oriol Miralbell). This discussion about a very interesting model to motivate the sense of innovation, comes to life again.

That’s all, fellows.

See you next week, thanks to Rafael!

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