Here it goes my English version from the summary on Hoteles 2.0 [words in brackets are mine]
– The value talented employees bring to the hotel is the ability to solve all the situations not considered by the established standards. By Juan Sobejano in “¿Dónde está el talento?â€
– We’ve got empty heads at both sides, and it will be difficult to fill them up with content. [about politics and global strategies] By Joan Gou in “Cumbre de expertos en marketingâ€.
– Listening to the internal customer demands a higher effort than listening to the external customer. By Marcos Alonso in “¿Dónde está el talento?â€
– As you all know, my blog is anonymous. My name is not Albert Barra, I don’t work by any hotel company. My real name is Manoli, and I work as a delicatessen shop assistant´[reacting with humour to nonsense attacks and controversy]. By Albert Barra en “Nexotur y su posicionamiento frente al Turismo on lineâ€
Somme remarkable posts published this week:
1- To start with, the updated Unofficial Travel /Hospitality Blogs ranking by Guillaume Thevenot commented on Turismo 2.0: Nuevo Unofficial Travel / Hospitality Blogs ranking de Guillaume Thevenot
2- Turispod 1, Nexotur no soy tu enemigo. Jimmy Pons and Jordi Ruiz master a brand new “radio program” [update on tourism news and technology in a weekly podcast]. A must.
3- Juan Sobejano and Rafael MartÃnez are writing about hotel employees models. This week, Juan Sobejano published the article El empleado tóxico. Reparto de responsabilidades. Worth to have a look at Rafael’s label “Empleados de hotel“.
4- EMM en el Aprendizaje emocional por centros de interes Emotional Learning applied to the holiday hotels segment. By David Vicent
5- Active participation, for two weeks, in these discussions: “¿Dónde está el talento?†[Where is the talent? About the difficulties to attract talent (attitudes) by the tourism sector] and “¿Es la paridad de precios la mejor estrategia?†[Is prices parity the best strategy? About Pros and Cons of equal fares for all distribution channels, holiday hotels] Very wide issues, which could lead to new discussions.
1.- Interesting list of 20 biggest hotels in the world by Javier GarcÃa Cuenca. Have a look at the MGMgrand page, absolutely impressive.
2- Megustaelturismo (Nanado Llorella) in the section “Trucos SEOâ€, gives us recommendations to improve our position in search engines.
3- Construcción de marca (Brand building) by Isaac Vidal
4- The “Blog del Hotel” is back, after a short break, with two new and interesting posts feeding the reader’s curiosity. One with clues about its location and an Update of magic link.
Worth to mention a sample of good irony, subtleness and intelligence [Another reaction to nonsense attacks and controversy] :
5- Carta a la UNWTO, by Edu William
– The yearly event organization continues with the collaboration of Antonio López de Ãvila (thanks again) acting as a keeper for anything subject to be stored and use for the Event.
– A first proposal to organize a system to present and vote the papers has been commented.
– A special mention for the new organization on the event situation, produced by Albert Lluch, also asking for collaboration and participation.
– Javier GarcÃa Cuenca offers Magic Costablanca as a sponsor for the yearly event. [Congrats!]
– New discussion about Revenue Management in “Procedimientos hoteleros y formaciónâ€
– PORDESCUBRIR launches, a travel guides net. Welcome to all new web 2.0 proposals.
– Rebirth of blogs control controversy (Nexotur, OMT). This time, as the OMT is the scene of disqualifications and comments without knowledge, a throng of reactions in the blogosphere arose [some articles from a live tag] .
– No me callo, [more reactions to nonsense attacks and controversy] by Jordi Ruiz
Not many new groups this week. David Giner has created:
– Buenas prácticas en destinos turÃsticos.
See you next week
Congratulations, Carme!,
This is one of the best examples of “viralidad” and “netocracy”?(I don´t know how can I say that in English).
As you can see I am not an expert English speaker. I only want to give you many thanks.
I will come back next friday.
Rafael MartÃnez
Many thanks! This is all because of you, Rafa.
And about your question: I think so, I see it as you do.
BTY, don’t you love learning by doing? 🙂
Thanks for your visit and comment