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Category Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Smooth Michael

This was over a year ago: – Mommy, I just discovered a crack over the Youtube. Comme and take a look at him. – Wow! When I was younger than your age I was a fan of him. Actually his album called Thriller was the first one I ever had. More recently, he faced some […]

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Good blogging is too honest

At the time Business Week says that only 16% of people Trust Corporate Blogs, we find a new approach by Julen Iturbe. Should we discuss why people don’t trust Corporate Blogs? Or maybe we’d better look for root causes and accept that actually it’s a matter of corporations’ trustworthiness? Technorati Tags: corporate blogging

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What’s the point of adding territorial restrictions to online campaings? Via Sustainable Travel I reached the video-campaing launched by Just Do One. It’s about encouraging us to create a 3 minutes video to explain an idea suitable to be done by everyone individually with the aim to improve our planet. We can find many ideas […]

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Beautiful Video on Ulldecona

Take a walk to Ulldecona‘s history. This is close to my home, just at 30 Km. Ulldecona un passeig per la història from giravolt on Vimeo. Technorati Tags: Ulldecona, Terres de l’Ebre, Tourism

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No to violence against Women

25 November: say NO to violence against Women

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Via the Friend’s shared items in Google Reader, a functionality allowing us to share interesting things we read, I discovered a new feature by Google. I feel like a dream comes true  🙂 Up to now, it’s only available for the English versions of Google search engine. The difference we find now is that if […]

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Sand Fantasy “Love 2008”

“Love is everything…” Amazing new sand art from Ilana Yahav. Technorati Tags: sand, fantasy, art

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An incredible but true story: Spanish authorities prosecute child for terrorism when he e-mails companies requesting labelling in Catalan language, using Phoenix monicker from Harry Potter books. Police accuse him of organizing an Al Qaeda cell. Case goes all the way to Spanish High Court. http://english.ericielfenix.cat U.S. press enquiries: Emily Moore, tel. (865) 254-5244 OgleMoore[at]gmail[dot]com

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Mistakes entrepreneurs are making

In your opinion, what are the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs are making? 1. Not sharing their ideas, and being afraid of competitors. 2. Trying to perfect version 1.0, instead of shipping and iterating. 3. Being overly focused on money or exits. 4. Not building something they’d use (if they hadn’t built it). 5. Trying to do […]

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Personally Compelling

Great products almost always come from someone scratching their own itch. Create something you want to exist in the world. Be a user of your own product. Hire people who are users of your product. Make it better based on your own desires. My comment: Isn’t this something stakeholder-focused? If your an entrepreneur, you’d probably […]

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