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Via the Friend’s shared items in Google Reader, a functionality allowing us to share interesting things we read, I discovered a new feature by Google.

I feel like a dream comes true  🙂

Up to now, it’s only available for the English versions of Google search engine.

The difference we find now is that if we are logged in a Google Account, when we use the Google search engine, next to the results we see a couple of icons.

The video I’m embedding below explains it very well. This feature makes it possible nothing less than  giving the users the possibility to sort the search results according to their unique and personal criteria. The preferences will be saved along with the user’s account and will be used in future searches.

This is actually another step to Google’s plan to dominate the world’s information, but…

Isn’t it the dream of all netsurfers!!!

At this point, came to my mind the interesting post series by Rafael Martínez on SEO positionning, published with the tag SEO para principiantes. He explains what is all about: getting the first positions in search engines results:

ejercer acciones con el fin de lograr aparecer en las primeras posiciones de los buscadores

Among the tourism sector, many times has been discussed the big difference between small hotels and big intermediators in terms of capability to position well in Google. For some particular searches, the official page of a hotel can be at a too late position and most users don’t go so far. So the results are dominated by big intermediators, with much more power than the small hotels.

What would happen if all of a sudden, the hotels would position at the first search results by the will of the users??

Obviously,  SearchWiki is an option used by a tiny number of users at this moment and we will probably see much evolution on this. However, I think it’s still something to think about, mostly when talking about long term visions.

On top of this, let’s say that with SearchWiki users also have the possibility to comment… In a moment when many hoteliers are still against free comments, I’m wondering if I’m the only one thinking that the sector should open widely if they want to connect with their customers and establish relations based on trust.

This is not about technology, not at all, but do you think it’s possible without technology? At the pace everything evolves?

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3 Responses to “Custom Search Results in Google, is tourism ready?”

  1. Truck says:

    Many things I have still not really clear, Ok about beeing able to decide wich is more important to me, but isn’t google a showcase of the offers on the market?, I f I decide wich isn’t important to me, and Google shows me this list, what about new offers?

    I think SEO will continue beeing really important, as Search engines are the easier way to put in contact customers and companies.

    The way , in my opinion, the search engines must look for, is in order to understand what I’m looking for when I write it on the search box,
    but blocking content could help to the search engine to know a little more about my interests, but is not the only way.

  2. Carme says:

    @Truck Thanks for your comment!
    Definitely, you’re the cleverest dog I’ve ever met, by far 😉 .

    I don’t have the answer about the technical issue you’re commenting, but certainly I don’t expect from Google such a simple solution. A customized list not merging and not including new incoming information would be a big disappoint.

    I completely agree with you about the importance of SEO, we have to keep on working on it for a long time.

    But what really excites me is the fact that there is no single way to approach everything in life. All can be multifaceted and we can focus on different ways of working if we reach our market the people interested in what we are offering. I see this option on Google search engine as the emergence of another approach, and it’s very on my way.

  3. Carme says:

    Ohh, I forgot to mention…
    I think that this feature implies that Google knows that many users don’t visit the first result; many of us shift to the result we think more or less by intuition it’s the best answer.

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