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Week 26 on Turismo 2.0

Hi friends!
Once again, we must remark the participation increase in Turismo 2.0, week by week, based on participants.

Summary of week 26


1- Yahoo and its web award (Marcos Alonso). Turismo 2.0 was nominated to the Yahoo award. How do we feel about the result?
2- Arrieros somos….. (Joan Gou). An interesting post (as usual by Joan), full of irony and complaint.
3- Vitalizing a community (Tirso Maldonado). To start approaching how to vitalize a community, some rules should be establish at the beginning. Is this necessary?.
4- The travel agencie’s future (Tirso Maldonado). Review of three generations of travel agencies, which seems to lead to the need of specialization.
5- Keeping customers 2.0 in the hotel sector (Tirso Maldonado). Listening to the customers, involving them to the product creation and founding a branding membership feeling. These are the keys according to Tirso.
6- Benidorm, an “Intelligent Territory” (Javier García Cuenca). A new approach about vertical growth goodness, adding the talent retention in cities.
7- THE MODEL OF “LAS x M’s DE LA DIRECCION” (Luis Simpson). A dialectical show with a curious word game. Very recommendable.
8- La Sicología Positiva, una gran aliada del turismo experiencial (José A. García Suárez). Creating touristic products based on positive sociology and looking for happiness.
9- Entering the final straight to the Yearly Event 2.0, watch out! (Albert Barra). There are only 5 days left and some so-called sponsors are not keeping their promises.
10- Information searches in Internet… and changes in purchasing decisions. (Rafael González). About the potential impact of content generated by users on tourism consumption.
OUTSTANDING: ADPROSUMER, the new customer (Tirso Maldonado). It’s a term imprinted by Tirso and with many possibilities, as the generated debate and different posts it has provoked. Please, join the debate.


1- I DO NOT ADMIT CUES (Marcos Alonso). It looks like some normal things admitted outside the hotel and generally accepted, are not admitted in a hotel. Why is it?
2- 2.0 Training. The new training paradigm required by the Einstein generation (Joantxo Llantada). Once again we are being told that it’s time to start taking seriously this change.
3- Lateral thinking to manage conflicts. (Juan Sobejano). Nothing better to solve conflicts that a way of thinking based on creativity and ingeniousness.
4- This Blog it’s one year old today (Albert Barra). Congratulations, Albert. If you’ve done so much in just one year, what should we expect for the next one?.
5- The vicious circle in tourism (J. Antonio Donaire). How could we avoid the urban depopulation from the city center to the outskirts?
6- Clues about clues, for the absent-minded looking for clues (El Hotel). A clue about its identity given by hotel del blog. This one is about aristocracy.
7- Nowadays students (II) (Edu William). Second half part about students behaviors nowadays.
8- Why hosting our pictures or multimedia files in social hostings? (Edu William). To find them faster (tags), to share and assess. And, attention! as a back-up. This is what Edu tells us through an illustrative video.
9- About market 2.0 and Enterprise 1.0 (Albert Barra). Managers and enterprise should be at the same level, in the same dimension. What happens when it’s not so?
10- Southwest Airlines tests the broadband Internet in their flights (Nando Llorella). Wifi in the plane. This starts to reach very high.
11- Madrid, the first spanish city integrating the 2.0 concnept in its official web (Jimmy Pons). Rafael is very proud as both, active member of 2.0, an also as a Madrid’s citizen. A thoughtful and attractive bet. Please, take a look at it.

SPECIAL MENCION “ex aequo” to THE TOILET BRUSH (Marcos Alonso) and If toilet brushes in a hotel are suitable or not (El Hotel).
Marcos launches it and kicks up a fuss with many diverse comments and much participation. El Hotel, seeing the “issue’s importance” takes the challenge and publishes a post that, up to now has received by 200 comments.


Besides posts and blogroll, very little to add.

Sustainability issues, some jokes, opening eyes and mind in front of a apertura de ojos y de mente ante a life’s drama we perceive very far away. And some recommendations from La Contra, in La Vanguardia, by Joan Gou, we’re leaving here this sample.

And last but not least:


See you next Friday in Rafael’s Blog (with a very special edition summing up the Yearly Event 2.0). Carme’s Blog will be updated on Sunday, since there is a Yearly Event in Terres de l’Ebre on Friday and Saturday. It’s free and everybody is welcome!

Thanks, Rafael!

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